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RVCC Personal/Mental Health Counseling
Counselors provide students the opportunity to discuss, in confidence, any personal or social problem. Counseling staff seeks to help students develop the ability to cope with and solve problems independently. When appropriate, the counselors will assist students via referrals to mental health centers, substance abuse treatment, or other community resources. Any student in distress or aware of a student in distress should contact Advising & Counseling Services in the College Center.
Students can meet advisors or counselors by appointment, walk-in during posted Advising Drop-In Hours, or at workshops and special events. Students can obtain information about academic programs by checking Lion’s Den or e-mailing an advisor at
Suicide is the second-leading cause of death among college students. Experts have called for a comprehensive, systemic approach to campus suicide prevention that addresses both at-risk groups and the general campus population. Since 2005, 138 colleges and universities have received funding under the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act to develop and implement campus suicide prevention programs. This volume highlights successful strategies implemented by grantee campuses.
This is a detailed guide to suicide prevention. The book recommends ethic of care and empathy as a tool for suicide intervention. Readers will learn about approaches that focus on suicide prevention that address the despairing emotional mind set of the suicidal person. Key features: Features easy to understand learning guides for students Emphasizes on suicide intervention strategies rather than identification of risk factors and highlights information from narrative case studies and psychological autopsies.
Delving into a topic of perennial interest and concern, particularly among teenagers, this important volume addresses the full range of issues relative to suicide and suggests ways to help those who struggle. Written primarily for high school and college students as well as for their teachers and parents, this guide combines relevant research and theories about suicide with current clinical thinking and approaches to diagnosis and treatment.
As a teenager, the author of this book nearly ended his own life, believing it was the only way to escape the emotional pain that was overwhelming him. Instead, he was able to find expert psychiatric care, and went on to found the first university campus-based chapter of the Suicide Prevention Action Network USA. In this book he shares his deteriorating state of mind in college, using his own email archive to retell the episode that would nearly claim his life. He then offers hard-earned wisdom and practical advice to other young people who may be considering suicide.
In this book, the author explains the development of suicidal thinking and, through patient vignettes, illustrates the ways this thinking develops. She also describes and illustrates signals friends and loved ones as well as professionals can watch for that point to such thinking, thinking that may be kept secret by the person at risk. And she offers approaches that can be used to alter tendencies and thinking for the person at risk.
In this book the author presents the current state of knowledge about suicidal behaviors in children and adolescents, addressing the trends of the past ten years and evaluating available treatment approaches. He provides an in-depth examination of the problem of suicidal behavior within the context of child and adolescent behavior.
This book presents articles both supporting and opposing issues related to teen suicide, including if bullying increases suicide risk, what teen demographic is most at risk, and the connection between suicide and self-harm.
Appearance- and performance-enhancing drugs--specifically, anabolic steroids (APEDs)--provide a tempting competitive advantage for amateur baseball players. But this shortcut can exact a fatal cost on talented athletes. In this book, the author chronicles the experiences of Taylor Hooton and Rob Garibaldi, two promising high school baseball players who abused APEDs in the hopes of attracting professional scouts and Division I recruiters. However, as a result of their steroid abuse, they ended up taking their own lives.
Delving into a topic of perennial interest and concern, particularly among teenagers, this important volume addresses the full range of issues relative to suicide and suggests ways to help those who struggle. Written primarily for high school and college students as well as for their teachers and parents, this guide combines relevant research and theories about suicide with current clinical thinking and approaches to diagnosis and treatment.
Social isolation, loneliness, and suicide are conditions we often associate with the elderly. But in reality, these issues have sharply increased across younger generations. Baby Boomers, Gen X'ers, Millennials, and post-Millennials all report a declining number of friends and an increasing number of health issues associated with loneliness. Even more concerning, it appears that the younger the generation, the greater the feelings of disconnection. This book focuses more deeply on how to connect between the generations and interact with one another.
In this book, the author examines the effectiveness of efforts by social media companies, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, and Instagram, to rein in cyberbullying by young users. She analyzes the anti-bullying policies of fourteen major social media companies, as recorded in companies' corporate documents, draws on interviews with company representatives and e-safety experts, and details the roles of nongovernmental organizations examining their ability to provide critical independent advice. She draws attention to lack of transparency in how companies handle bullying cases, emphasizing the need for a continuous independent evaluation of effectiveness of companies' mechanisms, especially from children's perspective.
In this book, leading international authorities provide a truly comprehensive and research-based reference to understanding,treating,and preventing suicidal behavior.