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Case studies examine self-harm, focusing on the under-explored area of 'hidden' self-harming behavior. The roots of self-care in maternal care are investigated using the method of psychoanalytic infant observation. The case studies that follow revolve around examples of low-level self-cutting, self-hitting, eating distress and 'self-harm by omission', including unconsciously invited accidents and failures to 'take care' and to seek appropriate medical care.
Cutting it Out is a largely autobiographical account of a young woman's battle with self-harm. Carolyn's story documents her own challenging journey, offering unique insights into her feelings about self-harming and also her attitudes towards the therapy sessions commonly employed to help people who self-harm.
The author describes the frightening developmental tasks teenagers and young adults face, and how the central challenges of the three Is (Independence, Intimacy, and Identity) compel them to cope through self-destructive acts. Readers will come to a better understanding of these struggling teenagers and the dramatic methods they employ to ease and overcome their internal pain through a desperate need to cut and self-injure.
This book argues that self-injury is often a coping mechanism, not a suicidal behavior, and a form of teenage angst, an expression of group membership, and a type of rebellion, converting unbearable emotional pain into manageable physical pain. Based on the largest, qualitative, non-clinical population of self-injurers ever gathered, the authors draw on 150 interviews with self-injurers from all over the world, along with 30,000-40,000 internet posts in chat rooms and communiqués.
These questions are asked and answered in Secret Scars, a revealing book at the addition of self-injury. Although self-injury is one of the fastest-growing health problems among teenagers today, it remains a behavior shrouded in mystery and misconception. This book attempts to demystify self-injury, explaining it as an addition by sharing case histories and the author's personal struggle as a former self-injurer with long-term recovery. Studies, research findings, and clinical outcomes are cited.
In this book, fifteen women talk about their battle with self-injury and explain how and why they repeatedly and deliberately injure themselves. They also describe living with ceaseless shame, secrecy, and fear of discovery which could make them unemployable and ostracized. Candidly discussing their attempted and successful recoveries, they reveal the impact living with self-injury has on their day-to-day lives--where they are competent workers, partners, friends, and mothers. This book offers compassion as well as encouragement for recovery by making available the emotional experiences of sufferers in their own words.
Provides a psychological profile of the self-mutilator, describes the circumstances under which the problem arises, and suggests possible treatments.