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If you’ve been dreading - or avoiding - answering your child's questions about sex, you are not alone. This is a book that can help you turn ’The Talk’ into an ongoing conversation that counters the myriad sources of bad information children are exposed to on a daily basis and helps them understand the beauty of true intimacy. Within the three main sections - Sex: Myths and Messages, Sex: Technology, Biology, and Intimacy and The Finer Points; STARTing the Conversation, you ll find information to help you talk with your children about sex, puberty, and relationships.
Based on dozens of face-to-face interviews, Sex and the Soul explores the sexual and spiritual lives of today's college students. The author visitied a range of America's colleges and universities--from public to private, Catholic to evangelical--to find out what students had to say about these highly personal subjects. the book uncovers aspects of college life that may unsettle some readers, especially parents. Many campuses, for instance, are dominated by the pervasiveness of hook-up culture. Moreover, many students see little connection between sex and religion, even as they seek one between sex and spirituality.
This book gives a close-up look into the intimate and gendered world of teens and those who live with and work with them. The author draws upon interviews with teens, parents and caregivers, and many others who work with teens from teachers and youth workers to principals and police, we learn how the new digital world is still permeated by beliefs and patterns of earlier patriarchal structures. .Regarding sexting, adults are pointing fingers in many directions and leaving adolescents to fend for themselves.
This volume examines the evolving norms concerning sex, gender, and sexuality in the lives of children and adolescents addressing topics such as: the development of gender identity, sexual behavior among youth, LGBT youth, transgender youth, parental and peer influences upon the development of gender and gender identity and dating violence
This book provides an assessment of the controversies surrounding the sexual development of adolescents, and their beliefs and problems regarding such matters. Using numerous case studies, the author llustrates specific ways that sexual issues arise in school and the variables that impact each case, while suggesting ways parents and school officials can deal with problematic situations. Though not simply statistics-laden, this book is replete with information about teenagers who engage in sexual acts, become pregnant, are sexually abused, and contract sexually transmitted diseases. The author also discusses the coping methods teenagers use, and he describes the types of sex education programs in which students are most likely to participate.
In her ob-gyn practice, Dr. Hilda Hutcherson has seen women of all ages who have questions about sex. Now, she answers those questions and more as she addresses every sexual matter that has an impact on the lives of women. Combining up-to-date medical science with good old-fashioned girl talk.
Hookup culture dominates the lives of college students today. The pressure to participate comes from all directions, from peers, the media, and even parents. This book discusses how college students are pressured by their peers to have casual sexual encounters which leave them ambivalent and isolated, and presents advice on how they can avoid unwanted sex and form healthy, more meaningful relationships.
This book goes beyond the well-worn sexual education advice and the usual evolutionist psychology. While there are some tips for the more adventurous, there is also a wealth of new information to be discovered. The author brings sex to another dimension by combining popular beliefs and science.
A source of information about sex and sexuality at the start of the 21st century, these volumes include research, current events and new developments in subjects ranging from hypersexuality, sex for the aged, and sex therapy, to orgasmic disorders, sexual fetishism and sadism. Controversial subjects such as pornography, nude dancing and prostitution are explored, as are dysfunctions, from lack of sexual desire to gender identity disorder. Pedophilia and other crimes are also addressed.
In this book the author examines how Latina girls negotiate their emerging sexual identities and attempt to create positive sexual experiences for themselves. Through a focus on their sexual agency, the author demonstrates that Latina girls' experiences with sexism, racism, homophobia and socioeconomic marginality inform how they engage and begin to rework their meanings and processes of gender and sexuality, emphasizing how Latina youth themselves understand their sexuality, particularly how they conceptualize and approach sexual safety and pleasure.
Two neuroscientists use the world's largest psychology experiment--the Internet--to study the private activities of millions of men and women around the world, unveiling a revolutionary and shocking new vision of human desire that overturns conventional thinking. Using the Internet, the neuroscientists Ogas and Gaddam quietly observed the raw sexual behaviors of half a billion people. By combining their observations with neuroscience and animal research, these two young neuroscientists finally answer the long-disputed question: what do people really like?
With essays by a wide range of knowledgeable contributors, this book draws on recent research to examine the subject of sex in college. The book begins with general chapters that offer historical, cross-cultural, and theoretical perspectives on college students' sexual attitudes and behaviors. One chapter offers a framework for understanding the unique developmental perspective of young adults. Subsequent chapters cover: dating and intimacy on campus, the perspective of young adults about love, sexuality education and classes, and sexual orientation.
This book provides practical guidance for professionals working with, and parents or carers of, people with co-occurring autism and intellectual disabilities, on how to deliver and adapt sex and relationships education. People with autism have specific characteristics which can make interpersonal relationships challenging. When this is combined with intellectual disabilities it can make responding to these challenges even more difficult. While positive experiences can enhance quality of life considerably, negative experiences can be life damaging.