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Anxiety 101 presents modern theories, research findings, assessments, and remediation relevant to the study of anxiety. This quick, user-friendly book is designed to address the most critical aspects of anxiety, especially those involving individual differences and interventions.
We've all felt occasional pangs of shyness and self-consciousness, but for the 15 million Americans with social anxiety disorder, the fear of being scrutinized and criticized can reach disabling proportions. Such was the case for Emily Ford, who shares her ftrue story: a frank, often witty, sometimes poignant account of how she negotiated all the obstacles of social anxiety--and eventually overcame them with the help of therapy and hard work. -- Emily's story is coupled with the latest medical and scientific information about the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and self-management of social anxiety disorder (or SAD).
This guide helps readers pinpoint which type of panic disorder is affecting them and how to alleviate the symptoms and get to the cause of it.
A discussion and analysis of anxiety and related disorders looks at case studies, specific diagnostic categories, and treatments. The author explains in accessible language the myths, misunderstandings, and realities of anxiety disorders.
A comprehensive account of the rise of America's tranquilizer culture including contemporary debates about anxiety and the newest drugs to treat it.
The author argues that we persist in the all-American belief that we can meet the astronomically sized changes in our society by re-engineering ourselves. This book follows the evolution of the social uses of the stress concept as it has been transformed into an important vehicle for defining, expressing and containing middle-class anxieties about upheavals in American society.
While both positive and negative peer interactions have long been a focus of scientific interest, much less attention has been given to children who tend to refrain from interacting with others. What are the causes of shyness and social withdrawal? How do they affect development? Do solitary preschoolers grow up to be anxious adolescents?
This volume opens with an overview of the diagnosis and assessment of OCD, and delineates a research-based conceptual framework for understanding the development, maintenance, and treatment of obsessions and compulsions.
This book explains the disorder, the treatments available, and the skills needed to overcome and outsmart OCD.
This practical handbook, recommended by experts in the field of anxiety disorders, offers coping strategies based on the latest clinical research
This volume brings together researchers exploring the biological and psychological determinants of shyness and fear. Its aims to present research to psychologists and clinicians interested in the development and outcome of these emotions in mental health.