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This book is written by experienced clinicians and will help you understand some of the more common reasons why problems arise with your child's eating behavior and will give you advice on what you and others can do to manage the situation.
In this book, the authors draw on their clinical experience to discuss how to identify, manage, treat, and prevent eating disorders in sport participants. They examine the clinical conditions related to eating problems and give special attention to the specific gender and sport-related factors that can negatively influence the eating habits of athletes. They also discuss identification of participants with disordered eating by reviewing symptoms and how they manifest in sport.
This book provides a framework for the assessment, treatment, and prevention of eatingdisorders and obesity. Focusing on best practices and offering a range of current techniques, leaders in the field examine these life-threatening disorders and propose treatment options for clients of all ages.
People living with eating disorders find it hard to take the step of choosing recovery, often because the disorder has developed as a way of 'coping' with problems or stresses in the their life. This book outlines new and positive ways of dealing with eating disorders for people living with eating disorders and their families.
This book describes how a young man overcame this often fatal disorder, normally associated with young women, that kills thousands of young people each year. It also offers therapists, sufferers, and their families with a powerful new tool to help them triumph in the battle over self.
Eating disorders are less common in males than in females, occurring generally 10 times more frequently in women than in men. This book reviews research on the epidemiology, clinical features, risk factors, weight and shape concerns, body dissatisfaction and a particular male anxiety on muscle mass on the topic of eating disorders in males.
The authors, a licensed psychologist and group psychotherapist, and a dietician with thirty years of experience, bridge the gap between the statistics and the real-life issues of eating disorders to help teens and parents gain the communication skills necessary to support the healing process. In this book you will you hear directly from teens struggling with eating disorders and get expert advice on how to interpret and respond to what your teen is saying—even when they're not talking.
This book is written by a nutritionist that addresses childhood and teenage eating disorders - with an emphasis on home-based recovery.
Many people with an eating disorder also suffer from low self-esteem, depression and anxiety. Eating disorders such an Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia are maladaptive coping mechanisms, and recovery requires the learning of new, healthy coping skills. This book is a positive and inspirational first person account of one girl's path to recovery. The book boldly details her eleven-week stay in a residential eating disorder clinic - showing her progress from near-death on admission to a full recovery on departure.
Bulimarexia: The Binge/Purge Cycle provides important facts on adolescent danger signals, socialization and the family, the challenges of the college years, pros and cons of drug therapy, and nutritional counseling.
This book is written by a family therapist and eating disorder specialist. It strives to help teens challenge their own thinking and transform their relationship to food, giving them the skills they need to manage their emotions and find the comfort they seek in life without overeating.
Designed for individuals concerned about their workout habits, personal trainers, family and friends of those with a problem, as well as working mental health professionals treating exercise addicts, [this book] provides an easy-to-read, illuminating glimpse into the rising trend of over-exercise. The author illustrates the symptoms and dangers of obsessive exercise with true stories from sufferers, all while exploring why and how such a seemingly healthy behavior morphs into a dangerous means of self-destruction.
This book presents research and applied practice to address all of the key issues relating to sport and eating disorders. It looks at the underlying factors behind the development of disordered eating and considers evaluation, diagnosis and treatment across a wide range of sports. It assesses the various types of treatment available and the practicalities of implementing treatment programs.
This book emphasizes a nutritional approach to treatment, including early intervention and the importance of establishing healthy attitudes toward food at a young age,
This book presents an alternative approach to anorexia, long considered the epitome of a Western obsession with individualism, beauty, self-control, and autonomy. Through detailed ethnographic investigations, the author looks at the heart of what it means to live with anorexia on a daily basis.
With this second edition, the author, a recovered anorexic, draws upon her own experience with the disorder and with treatment, and has combined this with extensive research to produce a comprehensive account of the symptoms, causes and treatments of anorexia nervosa. It includes a directory of organizations for treatment of eating disorders and resources for information and referral.
The author describes a childhood darkened by the repressive shadows of her alcoholic father and her emotionally reclusive mother, whose demands for excellence, poise, and self-control drove her to develop an insatiable hunger.
When the family urged her father into treatment, the author recognized her own addiction and embarked on the path to recovery by discovering the spiritual hunger beneath her craving for food.