The RVCC Library is an academic library that supports learning in both group and individual settings. Library users can expect an environment that is free from disruptive behavior, including but not limited to rowdiness and noise. As the enrollment grows and more people use the library, it becomes even more important to be considerate of your fellow learners.
Conduct of library users:
- To maintain a quiet study atmosphere in the library only whispering or soft talking is permitted in most areas.
- Studying in large groups must take place in the student group study rooms located on the second floor. Group study rooms can be reserved in advance by students at the Check Out Desk. When group study rooms are free they may be used on a first-come, first-serve basis. Student groups are given priority so individuals may be asked to vacate a study room if it is needed.
- The Robeson Room on the first floor and The Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies on the second floor are quiet study areas and may be used for quiet group study.
- The second floor is designated silent study. No talking is permitted, except in the group study rooms.
- All chairs are for one person only.
- Quiet cell phone use is permitted on the first floor. No cell phone use is permitted anywhere on the second floor (including group study rooms and stairwells). Cell phones must be turned off or set on vibrate mode when entering the library.
- Computers in the library are for academic use, including library research and class assignments. Users who pursue non-academic activities may be asked to relinquish their computer to a user who needs a computer for academic purposes.
- Headphones must be used to listen to sound on any computer, including personal computers. The sound should be set at a volume that cannot be heard by other library users.
- Food consumption is not allowed in the library. Drinks in closed containers are allowed.
- Use of recreational items (skateboards, sports equipment, etc) is prohibited.
Personal belongings must not be left unattended and should not be left to reserve seats in the library. Belongings left unattended in group study rooms will be brought to the Security Office.
Users who violate these policies will be asked to change their behavior. If users have to be addressed again for the same violation, they will be asked to show their RVCC ID or other form of ID to a library staff member, and then will be asked to leave the library for the day. The library will keep a record of the violation.
Repeat violators will be reported to the Dean of Student Services. Library privileges may also be suspended.
Approved January, 2010; Updated May, 2013; Updated Oct., 2015