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Library Policies

Policies regarding the Evelyn S. Field Library.

Welcome to the Evelyn S. Field Library!

The Evelyn S. Field Library serves the RVCC Community and residents/employees of Somerset and Hunterdon Counties.

A RVCC ID card is required by students, faculty, and staff to check out items. Community members who live or work in Somerset or Hunterdon county must present a Public Patron Library Card to check out items.  

  • RVCC ID cards must be obtained from Admissions
  • Public Patron Library Cards can be obtained from the Check Out Desk in the Library

In order to ensure prompt and accurate service, you must present your ID or Library card in order to checkout library materials. Only the owner of the card will be allowed to make library transactions. 

The Evelyn S. Field Library does not accept any local branch library cards. 

More information about obtaining a RVCC ID or Public Patron Library Card can be found on the RVCC Student; AlumniFaculty, Staff, & Administrators; or Residents of Somerset & Hunterdon Counties pages. 

My Library Account

If you are an RVCC student, faculty, or staff member, you may log in to your account using your G# and password by selecting the top button (Use Your G Number and Password).

If you are a community member (Somerset or Hunterdon county resident/employee), you may log in to your account using the 14-digit number under the barcode on the back of your Library card by selecting the bottom button (Use Your Library Card Barcode and Password). If you are unsure of your password, or you have never logged in before, please set / reset your password in order to use this feature.

My Library Account will display items that are checked out to you and when they are due back in the Library. You may renew your checked out items online, as well as place and view holds.

If you have any questions regarding borrowing privileges, contact the Check Out Desk (908) 218-8865 for further details.

Renewals, Holds, Recalls, Lost/Damaged Items & Refunds


Renewals can be requested by phone, at the Check Out Desk, or by using the My Library Account service. Books may be renewed a maximum of three (3) times, each time for an additional two (2) weeks. Renewals may not be allowed on overdue material or on materials that have holds placed on them.

Renewals on Interlibrary Loan materials are subject to the renewing policies of the lending library. Please request a renewal at least five (5) days before the item is due.


Holds may be placed on circulating items that are on the shelf or are currently checked out to other patrons. Holds may not be placed on reserves or laptops. Holds may be placed through the Library Catalog, or by contacting the Check Out Desk (908) 218-8865.


Recalls may be placed on items that are currently checked out to other patrons. Recalls do not shorten the current loan period, but do require that the item be returned when it is due and not be renewed. If an item that you have checked out is recalled by another patron, it must be returned by the due date. Students, alumni, and community patrons will be responsible for overdue fines for these items. Recalls may be placed through the Library Catalog, or by contacting the Check Out Desk (908) 218-8865.

Lost or Damaged Items

If Library books are lost or damaged, replacement fees and processing fees are charged to the patron’s library account. Replacement fees depend on the particular item, and processing fees are $5.00 per item.

It is also possible for a patron to replace the lost/damaged item, provided that the replacement copy is the same exact or unused edition as the original. Processing fees still apply. Once a lost item is three (3) months overdue, the library will opt to replace it or not. The library will not accept the overdue item after the three (3) month period.


Refunds are issued when lost books are paid for and then returned, provided that they are returned within one (1) month. If applicable, overdue fines still apply. Refunds on Interlibrary Loan (ILL) materials are subject to the lending library's policy.

Book Return Locations

All library materials may be returned at any of the following locations on campus:

  1. Library Check Out Desk located on the main floor.
  2. Front of the Library main entrance.
  3. Front of the Library entrance located near the Theatre.

Books borrowed from the RVCC Library must be returned to the RVCC Library; they may not be returned to local branch libraries. Books borrowed from local branch libraries may not be returned to the RVCC Library.