Mikayla Ahart - Recollection
Jeffrey Cabral - Julie Otsuka's "When the Emperor was Divine"
Yerlin Campos - Cigarette Smoking at RVCC: Attitudes and Prevalence
Kevin Donlan - Laser Music - Authentic Engineering Product Development for a Real Customer
Sara Gebert - Disability Discrimination: An Undiscussed form of Hate
Cecelia Higgins - Does Gender Determine Ethical Principles?
Najja Hudson - Book Review
Melissa Ignacio
John Jannone - Illuminated Umbrella - An Engineering/Visual Arts Interdisciplinary Product Development
Benjamin Nola - Vengeance or Revenge?
Sarah Novack - Summary of a book, "When the Emperor Was Divine" by Julie Otsuka
Austin Rhinehart - While Seeking Revenge, Dig Two Graves (One for Yourself)
Keri Rickman - Laser Music - Authentic Engineering Product Development for a Real Customer
Fabiana Rocha - The Awakening: Escaping from a Life Sentence of Imprisonment
Jeshua Rodriguez - Laser Music - Authentic Engineering Product Development for a Real Customer
Trevor Rokosky - Laser Music - Authentic Engineering Product Development for a Real Customer
Mark Romero
Michael Sipos - Applications of Open-Source Software for Creating Engineering Solutions
Jakub Sitarz - Illuminated Umbrella - An Engineering/Visual Arts Interdisciplinary Product Development
Terry Skibik - Illuminated Umbrella - An Engineering/Visual Arts Interdisciplinary Product Development
Eric Smith - Illuminated Umbrella - An Engineering/Visual Arts Interdisciplinary Product Development
Amanda Sullivan - Cigarette Smoking at RVCC: Attitudes and Prevalence
Lauren Vellotti - The wonders of the mentally challenged
Nick Vuolde - Illuminated Umbrella - An Engineering/Visual Arts Interdisciplinary Product Development
Sarah White - Who Am I?
Jennifer Wrede - Dance
Jessica Zanzonico - I am Who I Want to Be
Matthew Zgorzynski - Illuminated Umbrella - An Engineering/Visual Arts Interdisciplinary Product Development
For a Noteworthy Event - in particular, Nota Bene
Christopher DeFalco​
Drew Edmiston
Elizabeth Guy