In Abstract Machine, author Charles Travis uses GIS technology to interpret, analyze, and visualize literary, historical, and philosophical texts. Travis's study shows how mapping language patterns, fictional landscapes, geographic spaces, and philosophical concepts helps support critical analysis (eBook).
A wide-ranging, interconnected anthology presents a diversity of feminist contributions to digital humanities. In recent years, the digital humanities has been shaken by important debates about inclusivity and scope--but what change will these conversations ultimately bring about? Can the digital humanities complicate the basic assumptions of tech culture, or will this body of scholarship and practices simply reinforce preexisting biases (eBook)?
Explores the opportunities and complications faced by humanists in this new era. Though the study and interpretation of texts alongside computational tools can serve scholarship, these methods cannot replace existing frameworks. Ideas of scientific validity cannot be adapted for humanities research because digital humanities, unlike science, lack a leading-edge horizon charting the frontiers of inquiry. Instead, the methods of digital humanities require a constant rereading.
At the heart of digital scholarship are universal questions, lessons, and principles relating both to the mission of higher education and the shared values that make an academic library culture. But while global in aspirations, digital scholarship starts with local culture drawn from the community.
This reader brings together, for the first time, in one core volume the essential readings that have emerged in Digital Humanities. We provide a historical overview of how the term 'Humanities Computing' developed into the term 'Digital Humanities', and highlight core readings which explore the meaning, scope, and implementation of the field (eBook).
This collaboratively authored and visually compelling volume explores methodologies and techniques unfamiliar to traditional modes of humanistic inquiry--including geospatial analysis, data mining, corpus linguistics, visualization, and simulation--to show their relevance for contemporary culture (eBook).
The book begins by introducing digital humanities and addressing key questions such as "What is it?" "Who does it?" "How do they do it?" "Why do they do it?" and "How can I do it?" This broad overview is followed by a series of practical chapters answering those questions with step-by-step approaches to both the digital and human elements of digital humanities librarianship.
The digital humanities give us powerful tools and methods for thinking about culture and history in the contemporary world, through the use of sophisticated computing techniques and methods. This book explores the history, intellectual work, key arguments and ideas of this emerging discipline, and suggests ways in which the humanities can be enriched through computing, but also how cultural critique can transform the digital humanities.
This book brings theoretical and practical perspectives into conversation, offering readers not only comprehensive examinations of past and present discourse on digital scholarship, but tightly-focused case studies. This timely volume illuminates the different forces underlying the shifting practices in humanities research today, with especial focus on how humanists take ownership of, and are empowered by, technology in unexpected ways.
A book for anyone who wants to learn programming to explore and create, with exercises and projects to help the reader learn by doing. This book introduces programming to readers with a background in the arts and humanities; there are no prerequisites, and no knowledge of computation is assumed. In it, Nick Montfort reveals programming to be not merely a technical exercise within given constraints but a tool for sketching, brainstorming, and inquiring about important topics. He emphasizes programming's exploratory potential—its facility to create new kinds of artworks and to probe data for new ideas.
Foregrounding the interdisciplinary character of experimental methods and hands-on research, this collection asks what it means to make things in the humanities. How is humanities research manifested in hand and on screen alongside the essay and monograph? And, importantly, how does experimentation with physical materials correspond with social justice and responsibility?
Accessibly structured into five sections exploring infrastructures, creation, analysis, dissemination, and the future of digital humanities, this book surveys the past, present, and future of the field, offering essential research for anyone interested in better understanding the theory, methods, and application of the digital humanities (eBook).
Many in the world of scholarship share the conviction that open access will be the engine of transformation leading to more culture, more research, more discovery, and more solutions to small and big problems. This collection brings together librarians, scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and thinkers to take measure of the open access movement.
This guide is intended for students and scholars working on all historical periods and topics in the humanities and social sciences--especially for those who do not think of themselves as experts in quantification, "big data," or "digital humanities." The authors reveal quantification to be a powerful and versatile tool, applicable to a myriad of materials from the past. Their book, accessible to complete beginners, offers detailed advice and practical tips on how to build a dataset from historical sources and how to categorize it according to specific research questions.
Teaching History in the Digital Age serves as a guide for practitioners on how to fruitfully employ the transformative changes of digital media in the research, writing, and teaching of history. T. Mills Kelly synthesizes more than two decades of research in digital history, offering practical advice on how to make best use of the results of this synthesis in the classroom and new ways of thinking about pedagogy in the digital humanities.
Scholars of nineteenth-century American literature have been at the forefront of digital humanities scholarship with several of the most successfully funded and publicized digital projects, including The Walt Whitman Archive, the Emily Dickinson Electronic Archive, and the Melville Electronic Library. This collection brings together several scholars who are foundational to the development of digital humanities and to the building of nineteenth-century American digital archives alongside scholars who have made digital methods central to their pedagogy.
Rooted in the day-to-day experience of teaching and written for those without specialist technical knowledge, this book is the first practical guide to using digital tools and resources in the humanities classroom.