Combined research topic
How does socioeconomic standing affect access to play and how does it impact childhood and the future?
(See the next two pages for database recommendations.)
- Access
- Activity
- Affluence
- Affordable
- Barrier
- Benefit
- Budget
- Club
- Cognitive
- Cost
- Creativity
- Development
- Economic
- Engaged
- Environment
- Equity
- Explore
- Extracurricular
- Facilities
- "Free play"
- Leadership
- Learning
- Leisure
- "Low play value spaces" (or "play value")
- Memory
- Neural
- "Organized sports"
- Outcome
- Pay-to-play
- Psychosocial
- Problem-solving
- Race
- Self-expression
- Self-reliance
- "Social capital"
- Socioeconomic
- "Structured play"
- "Unstructured play"
- Well-being