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Phi Theta Kappa Honors in Action

A research guide for the Honors in Action project completed by members of Phi Theta Kappa.

Honors Study Topic


  • Theme 1:  Why We Tell Stories
    • Why are stories essential to the human experience?
  • Theme 2:  Perspectives Shape Stories
    • In what ways do perspectives shape stories people share?
  • Theme 3:  Ways Stories Are Told
    • What means do people use to tell  stories and why?
  • Theme 4:  Preserving Stories
    • What Factors Inform or Influence the Preservation of Stories?
  • Theme 5:  Representation Through Stories
    • How do untold, silenced, suppressed, or stolen stories impact society, and why does representation of these stories matter?
  • Theme 6:  Stories of Persistence, Resilience, Healing, and Sorrow
    • To what extent do stories of persistence, resilience, healing, or loss provoke and inspire?
  • Theme 7:  Stories as Information, Misinformation, and Disinformation
    • How do stories serve as avenues of information, misinformation, or disinformation?
  • Theme 8:  Fables, Folklore, and Fairytales
    •  In what ways do messages shared through fables, folklore, and fairytales influence and reflect culture?

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