This guide is intended to assist RVCC students in using Zoom and Microsoft Teams. It will describe what each tool is as well as how they are used. Click on the gray tabs to select a specific topic. You may also use the Next and Previous buttons at the bottom of the pages to move between them.
This guide will provide an introduction to using Zoom and Microsoft Teams by providing text, images, and videos that describe different processes. It will also link out to RVCC, Zoom, or Microsoft websites to offer more detail. Please follow those links for more in-depth information.
If your questions are not answered in this guide, you may contact a librarian by using the Ask Us! button at the top of any library webpage. You can also contact the RVCC Technology Helpdesk by calling 908-231-8811 or dialing extension 7887 from a campus phone. They can also be reached by email at The on-campus help desk is staffed Monday – Friday 9:00am-4:00pm for calls and email. At all other times our off-campus help desk service handles phone calls.
For non-technical issues (such as if you need clarification about how you are supposed to use one of these tools for a specific assignment or group project), please speak to your professor.