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Library Catalog Help

Help for patrons using the Library's Books & Media Catalog

How do I save titles and lists?

You must first log in to save titles and lists, which will allow you to come back to them on any computer when you are logged in. See My Account for info on logging in.

To save a single title or several titles, click Save on the right side of the catalog record.

Save a title

To save a search, click Save Search at the top of the right hand side of the search results (opposite side from the filters).

Save search


You may also temporarily save titles (not lists) if you are not signed in. The saved titles will disappear after you exit the browser. However, you can go to Saved Items at the top of the right hand side to email them to yourself or sign in.

Saved items


You can also email the information to yourself. Click on the Share button (shown above), then type your email address into both the Your Email and Recipients lines. You can also send the information to other people this way.

Send email screen


In addition, the Share screen has a permanent link that will take you straight to the item record.

Copy link