There are a number of ways you can include Library resources directly within your Canvas course, depending on how and when you want students to access the Library resource.
The Evelyn S. Field Library website is built on system of guides, pages and boxes. Within Canvas, you are able to include nearly any content from the Library website directly in your course, but will need to know if the content you want to include is a "guide," "page," or "box." But don't worry, when in doubt, a librarian can help you figure that out! Below are terms that will be helpful to know when incorporating content from the Library website into your Canvas course.
Content from the Library website that will appear within your Canvas course frame when added to a module, page, or assignment. These include "guides" or "Libguides," "Single Page," "Content Box," "A-Z Databases," and "Databases," all defined below.
A section of the Library website which may include several "pages" of content that are related. Most of these appear on the Course & Assignment Guides list on the Library website.
One page of a LibGuide with related content all appearing on a single screen with a vertical scroll bar when necessary.
A single content space that is part of a page in a LibGuide. For example, this section you are reading now with the heading "Terms to Know" is a content box on the "Home" page of the "Canvas and Library Integration" guide. Generally speaking, each "box" on a page begins with a heading that will be the largest font you see on the page.
The group of databases that appear on the Library's Databases page:
An option to include in your course a subset of Library databases (A-Z Databases) that are designated for a specific subject area. The Librarians have created the subject options and selected the databases that will be included in the list. When selecting this option, you cannot modify the list of databases.
An option to include in your course a subset of Library databases (A-Z Databases) that are designated for a specific subject area and the profile of any Librarians designated as subject specialists for this subject. Librarian profiles include contact information. When selecting this option, you cannot modify the list of databases.
A Canvas term for content that can be included in your course from vendors other than Canvas. LibApps Library Content is an external tool.
Although not a term, the blue "v" icon in the Canvas text editor gives you access to external tools that can be added to your Canvas course. You will select this icon, then select LibApps Library Content to add library content in the text editor area of a page or assignment.
Formatted HTML code that you can copy from an online resource and paste into the HTML Editor in Canvas. The content represented by the embed code will appear seamlessly within the page or assignment where it is embedded. Whenever available, embed codes can be used to include content from Library databases directly in Canvas instead of requiring students to view the content where it lives online.
A permalink provides consistent access to an online resource. In the case of Library database content, it also includes a necessary component for off-campus students to login to library electronic resources. Whenever possible, look for permalinks instead of copy/pasting the URL in your browser bar (these URLs often include information specific to your browsing session and will not work in the future.)