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Canvas and Library Integration

Information about how to easily include library resources in your Canvas course shell.

Content from within Library Databases

Because Canvas is password protected and the content you include is only accessible to students registered in your class, you can include any library database content in your Canvas course shell. Depending on the resource, you can choose to:

  • link directly to the resource 
  • embed the resource within the course shell

Not all content can be embedded, so permalinks can be used to send the student directly to the resource within the library database. When linking, look for a "Permalink" on the resource rather than copy/pasting the URL from your browser bar. The URL in your browser bar often contains information specific to your browsing session and will not work in the future. 

Permalink to database content

A permalink is a permanent, static hyperlink to online content. Permalinks may also be called "stable URLs" or "bookmarks." When working with articles, images, videos, or other content that exists in a Library databases, permalinks are used to ensure that students can access the exact material you want them to access and will be able to login to the Library database using their G# and password when off-campus. When in doubt, a librarian can always help you find the best link to provide to your students.

Examples of where to find permalinks:


Permalink icon appears on the right side of the detailed record screen



A stable URL is provided near the publication information for the article

Opposing Viewpoints in Context (and other GALE databases)

Use the bookmark icon to obtain a permalink.

A bookmark icon is at the top of the screen 

The URL provided can be copied or emailed