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Streaming Videos

Streaming video collections at the Evelyn S. Field Library.

AVON - Academic Video Online from Alexander Street Press

Academic Video Online (AVON) is the most comprehensive video subscription available to libraries. It delivers more than 62,000 video titles spanning the widest range of subject areas including: anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, dance, and more.

AVON includes documentaries, interviews, performances, news programs and newsreels, field recordings, commercials, and raw footage. AVON also includes award-winning films including Academy, Emmy, and Peabody winners. Content from over 1,500 distributors is represented among them: 60 Minutes / CBS, PBS, BBC, NBC, and more.



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FMG - Films on Demand


Kanopy Video Streaming

kanopy streaming


Nursing Education in Video - previously known as T3: Medcom Trainex - Nursing Videos

The Nursing Education in Video Collection previously known as Medcom Trainex: T3 Videos Online

Browse Nursing Education in Video (aka Medcom Trainex (t3)) Collection by Title

More than 3,000 online videos providing high-quality nursing instruction. Topics include anatomy and physiology, basic clinical skills, wound care, safety, nursing assistant skills, legal aspects of nursing, and more!

Swank Digital Campus

Visit Swank Digital Campus for the full selection of titles currently licensed by the RVCC library for classroom viewing.

*If you select Instructor, you will see additional titles that are not licensed by RVCC. If you are interested in licensing additional content for classroom use only, please use the new title request feature. If you encounter issues with the Swank Title Request, please contact Alyssa Valenti.

Additional Streaming Videos

These are available on Panopto for classroom or personal use. Choose Canvas from the dropdown menu to login with G# and password.