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Pathways to College Success - SCCS 101 - Passion Project

Evaluate Article 1

  1. Click the image or use the link below to access the article online.
  2. Scroll through the page and review the content.
  3. What do you think is the purpose of this article?
  4. What stands out to you about the website that published the article or the page itself?

Article titled Becoming an Elementary Teacher in New Jersey from the website

Evaluate Article 2 using lateral reading

  1. Click the image or use the link below to access the article online.
  2. Conduct lateral reading for the website. What can you learn about Teachers of Tomorrow, the organization that publishes the website?

Evaluate Article 3 in comparison to Articles 1 & 2

  1. Click the image or use the link below to access the article online.
  2. Who publishes the information in this article?
  3. How is this source different from what you've seen in articles 1 and 2?

Article titled Kindergarten and Elementary School Teachers from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website