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MLA Basics

MLA style is commonly used in Composition classes, Literature, and other Humanities courses. 

In 2016, MLA published the 8th edition handbook, which is significantly different from the 7th edition that had previously been used. The 9th Edition was published in 2021 but citation formatting has not changed. When using a citation guide or automatic citation generator like EasyBib, make sure you have selected MLA 9th edition or 8th edition.

Resources for MLA 8th/9th Edition

Complete style guide with formatting guidelines and works cited entry formats:

For how to cite specific types of sources:

Print a one-page MLA Citation Guide

Before You Use EasyBib...

EasyBib is a free, online tool for generating citations. Only MLA style citations are available on the free version. EasyBib is, as it's name suggests, easy to use, but the video below will give you some tips for finding the citations pieces you need to ensure that you get accurate, correct citations out of EasyBib.

This video shows how to use EasyBib for website sources only..


Formatting Your Paper

This video demonstrates how to format your essay in MLA Style (8th Edition)


This video demonstrates how to format a hanging indent for your Works Cited page in MS Word.