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History of Women in the United States - HIST250 - Braun-Strumfels

Research Sources

This list of library resources is broken down into two parts, based on the way you may approach your research.

To begin, browse or search in one of the Research Starter databases to explore and help focus your topic. In these Research Starter databases, you can search with broad terms rather than worrying about the specific, targeted search. You will use this first step to find those additional, specific terms!

You may also choose to browse an online collection from a trusted institution like the National Archives. These resources can be used to explore your topic, or to find primary and secondary sources for your analysis.

Then, select from one of the databases that contains primary sources, and use the specific keywords you developed to locate relevant primary sources. Some databases, like JSTOR and HeinOnline, can also provide you with scholarly secondary sources to help with your analysis.

You may also want to use a book or eBook, which you can search for in the Library Catalog, linked from the bottom of the page.

Research starters

These databases can help you refine your topic or find additional keywords. Other research starters can be found on the Library's databases page by selecting "Research starters" from the top left.

Primary source online collections

Primary source databases

These databases contain primary (and secondary) sources that you can use in your analysis. Some of the research starter databases listed above may also be useful for this step.

Secondary source databases

These databases contain additional secondary source articles to help you analyze your primary sources.

Primary source books and eBooks