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RVCC No-cost and Low-cost Courses

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No-cost courses at RVCC

A RVCC No-cost course is a course for which there is zero cost for textbooks. You will still use course learning materials, but they are freely available, often through Canvas, library databases or e-book collections, or internet resources. In some cases, a printed version of the materials may be available for purchase from the RVCC Bookstore or from the website where it is published for a minimal fee ($15-$40 typically). You can also print the course materials using your RVCC print allowance at the library and campus computer labs. Your instructor will provide you with more information about how course materials can be accessed.

In certain courses, only specific professors run the course as a No-cost course. Check the "Instructor" column on the following lists to see which professors run no-cost course sections.

There is also a list of Low-cost courses for which all course materials cost less than $45/semester.

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Find and register for no-cost courses using EduNav

When you register for courses using EduNav, you can search for no-cost and low-cost courses or identify which sections for courses you need to take are no-cost or low-cost.

Look for No textbook cost under the instructor's name. 

Instructor name Melanie Morris on top line, below that the phrases On campus and No Textbook Cost

To limit your search to only No textbook cost or Low textbook cost courses, select these identifiers from the Labels option.

Under the search box are the filters for Sort, Days, and Labels. The options for Labels are visible with No Textbook cost and Low Textbook cost checked off.

If you get no results, it is possible there are no sections of that class that offer No textbook cost or Low textbook cost options. Refer to the lists on the following pages of this guide to learn which courses and instructors offer these options.