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Principles of Management - BUSI 112 - Morris

Finding useful business news and information

Even the most "reliable" sources of business information will have articles and content that is not useful to you as a student, researcher, or professional. Some content may become useful once you are in your profession, but is not appropriate or complete enough to be useful to you as a student.

You need to carefully evaluate the information sources you encounter to not only decide if they are reliable and credible, but to determine if they are useful for your task, assignment, or goal.

Types of content in business sources

This list is not exhaustive but covers many of the content types you will encounter on business news, magazine, and information sites. Some categories overlap. For example, a blog post may also be an opinion piece or top 10 list; sponsored content may be written to give advice; etc.

News updates

  • short in length
  • very current at the time of publication
  • lack in depth analysis or substantial details


News headline Delta workers to receive profit-sharing payourt worth 2 months pay

News analysis

  • Interpretation of current news based on evidence and data
  • Moderate in length
  • Usually specific to a company or single event
  • Adequate details to understand the current situation, clarify past events that led to the current moment and anticipate what may happen in the future


Headline: More states are trying to protect black employees who want to wear natural hairstyles at work

Current issues in the news (hot topics)

  • Address a broader issue that affects many businesses or interested groups
  • Short or moderate length if it is assumed the reader knows the background of the issue
  • Longer if background on the issue is provided to educate the reader
  • Not always linked to one specific event, but the issue or topic is (or should be) getting attention


Headline: To save Avon new owner comes calling on social media

Case studies

  • Specific to one company or individual
  • Explains a particular initiative, action or decision taken 
  • Can serve as a model to similar entities or organizations facing similar challenges 


Headline: If you don't know how to say someone's name, just ask


  • Articles intended to advise readers or offer best practices 
  • Written in an informal and personalized style, referring to the reader as "you"
  • May be based on research or data, sources should be clearly identified
  • Intended for personal development but not for research



  • One individual's opinion on an issue, usually one-sided and persuasive
  • May be written by a columnist for the publication or submitted by a reader
  • May be marked as "opinion" or "perspective," "guest post," or blog post
  • May reference sources to support the opinion


Headline: the 3 biggest time sucks that are killing your productivity and how to avoid them

Top 10 lists (or however many the writer thinks of)

  • Headline intended to catch attention and tell reader the article is brief
  • May combine ideas from multiple sources, but is one writer's interpretation of what is "best"
  • Usually written to "you," the reader, to give impression of a personal connection
  • Only useful in research if it leads you to data, reports, studies, or other verifiable sources of information


Three catchy news headlinesClickbait

  • Catchy titles that intentionally lack details so reader becomes intrigued
  • Headlines are often seen on social media along with eye-catching images 
  • Content may be legitimate news, case studies, "advice," top 10 lists, etc, but is presented in a controversial, opinionated, dramatic or otherwise non-objective style




Headline: The little things that make employees feel appreciated


  • Originally a form of online journaling - a space for an individual to share his/her perspective on a range of topics
  • Informal and conversational in tone and style with hyperlinks to other postings or websites that enhance the article content
  • Often now incorporated into organization and news websites
  • Posts represent an individual opinion or perspective
  • Often contributed by someone with no direct ties to the publication or organization, although the writer may have experience in the field
  • Typically will have a disclaimer at the end that the views expressed do not represent those of the organization
  • Comments are invited from readers
  • Types of content can include anything described above


Headline: Digital transformation isn't a project, it's a way of operating

Sponsored or paid content

  • Contributed by an entity that paid to have the article posted on the news site
  • Should be identified as "sponsored" or "paid" content
  • May be interspersed with original content from the news outlet or organization, or may be clearly separated
  • Should be evaluated carefully giving consideration to potential bias and the article's intended purpose (e.g. to market a product or idea)