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English Composition II Video Series - ENGL 112

Videos on advanced information literacy concepts for use with English Composition II and other courses.

About this video series

The videos on this page can be viewed prior to an information literacy instruction session or as a refresher after your class has visited the library. If your instructor has assigned the Course Guide and Assessment, be sure to go to the full English Composition II Course Guide to complete that assignment. 

These videos address the learning objectives for Information Literacy II (a component of English Composition II):

  • Review different types of sources, considering their intended audience and purpose
  • Recognize scholarly articles and how they are different from other sources
  • Identify gaps in your research and the type of information you still need to find
  • Use appropriate keywords and search strategies in library databases to find scholarly and other sources

Review of different source types based on audience and purpose

"General" sources


"Academic" sources


Recognize scholarly articles and how they are different from other sources

Anatomy of a Scholarly Article

This video shows the components of a scholarly article that make it unique from other sources you will find and will help you recognize when you've found a scholarly article source.

Identify gaps in your research and the type of information you still need to find

Understanding that research is a process will help you identify the gaps in your research so far. As you transition from exploring a research question to supporting a thesis, you will discover that you need additional sources as evidence of your argument.


Use appropriate keywords and search strategies in library databases to find scholarly and other sources

This video from Lloyd Sealy Library demonstrates how to select keywords from your research topic and identify synonyms and other search terms that will retrieve the best results in a library database. 


Search RVOneSearch for scholarly articles

RVOneSearch is one of many database search tools the library offers for you to find scholarly articles. 

As of May, 2024, the RVOneSearch interface has changed. While your screen will look different from what is shown in the video, you should be able to find most the same features that are described and the basics of the search process haven't changed much. This video will be updated soon.