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English Composition I Video Series - ENGL 111

Videos on basic information literacy concepts for use with English Composition I and other introductory courses.

About this video series

The videos on this page can be viewed prior to an information literacy instruction session or as a refresher after your class has visited the library. If your instructor has assigned the Course Guide and Assessment, be sure to go to the full English Composition I Course Guide to complete that assignment. 

These videos address the learning objectives for Information Literacy I (a component of English Composition I):

  1. distinguish different source types based on the intended audience, type of information communicated, and purpose of the source
  2. write a good research question
  3. use strategic exploration of a topic to develop a good research question

Distinguishing source types based on audience, type of information, and purpose

Information sources and how to recognize them


"General" sources


"Academic" sources


Write a good research question

Use strategic exploration of a topic to develop a good research question

*Although this video from McMaster University references Canadian government sources which you likely would not encounter, the general concepts of strategic exploration are relevant to how we will be approaching this concept during information literacy instruction. 

Opposing Viewpoints in Context

A Research Starter database that will be particularly useful for getting started on just about any topic is Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Use the link below to view a short video on how the Topic Pages in this database can help you start your research.