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Displays in the Library

Succeeding in College with Asperger Syndrome
The Buffalo Soldier Tragedy Of 1877
Victorian Literature and the Anorexic Body
The Silver Star
Ageing, Spirituality, and Well-being
The $800 Million Pill
HR from the Heart
The 108 Skills of Natural Born Leaders
Brothers and Sisters of Disabled Children
The Power of Positive Criticism
Japanese Culture
Student Companion to Jane Austen
The Lost Art of the Great Speech
The Foundations of Buddhism
American Scream
John F. Kennedy on Leadership
What I Learned in Medical School
Stories in the Time of Cholera
School Phobia, Panic Attacks, and Anxiety in Children
Learning from SARS
Getting Published
The AMA Handbook of Business Letters
Secrets of Word of Mouth Marketing
Working Girls
Revisiting Stephen King
Total Confinement
The Manga Guide to Calculus
The Silicon Jungle

Infectious Diseases and Epidemics

Irish American Heritage Month

How the Irish Saved Civilization
Real Lace : America's Irish Rich
The Irish Way
The Irish-American Heritage
The Boston Irish : A Political History
The New York Irish
St. Patrick's Day
The Irish in New Jersey
The Banshees
Awake in America
Irish Theater in America

Women's History Month

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the New American Politics
I Dream a World
Sojourner Truth
Eleanor Roosevelt
Elizabeth the Queen
Mary Wollstonecraft
Marie Curie
Joan of Arc
Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman
Sisters in Law
Margaret Mead

Funeral Director and Mortician Recognition

The American Way of Death
Death in Early America
Passing : The Vision of Death in America
Caring for Your Own Dead