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RVCC Library 101

New to RVCC's Evelyn S. Field Library? Welcome! This guide will help walk you through everything you need to know to get the most out of our services.


  • 70,000+ books and magazines.
  • 300+ graphic novels (comic books)
  • 120,000+ e-books (mostly non-fiction)
  • 143 databases
  • 2,500+ DVDs (popular movies and films)
  • 150+ textbooks for most classes on campus
  • 70+ Desktop computers
  • 7 Laptops to use in the library
  • 4 black and white printers
  • 2 copier/scanners
  • Calculators, protractors, and other math tools
  • Flash drives
  • Headphones



26 DISTINCT study spaces


Website and Social Media
We are virtually everywhere!  Find us online at  Also find us on.....

Not only do we have a catalog that allows you to search for books, but you can also search for articles, media, articles, and textbooks through the front of our site.  The RV One Search program even gives you access to all of our databases with one click.  

Help/Reference Desk
Someone is always stationed at the help desk to answer your questions, aid you with research, or show you how to use our products and services.  No question is too small.

Want to ask a question, but too embarrassed to walk up to the desk?  Have a private question, or you're upstairs or off campus? No problem!  You can instantly chat with us during our normal business hours through our website, texting through your device, or emailing us. 

Did you know that librarians are teachers with the same credentials as your other professors?  We have subject specialties, but we all teach various kinds of literacy:  digital, information, visual, text, etc.  If it has to do with finding, synthesizing, processing, or organizing information in any form, our friendly information scientists can show you how.  Faculty can make a request for information literacy instruction or students can make one-on-one appointments with librarians for deep research projects.

Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan, or ILL, is our ability to get you items, even if we don't have them!  We have partnered with libraries around the country, giving us the ability to borrow items from them right into your hands.  If you have looked through our catalog and can't find what you're looking for, just put in an ILL request and we'll do our best to get the items you need.

We have rotating displays throughout the library, showcasing special topics of interest ranging from popular new items, to seasonal favorites.  If you, or your club, would like to collaborate on a display for the library, please don't hesitate to contact us.

You can take home plenty of items from our library, and for longer than you'd think!  Books, audiobooks, reports, pamphlets, and maps can go out for 28 days.  DVD's and music CD's for seven.  We do have overdue fines here, so make sure you bring your items back when it's time!  Visit the borrowing section of our site for details.

Museum Passes
You can even visit museums and local attractions FOR FREE through our library.  Each pass is good for two adult admissions and can be booked 90 days in advance.  Reservations are made online.  Visit the museum passes page for more information.

Alphabetic Listing

Select a name to send email. Email addresses are

To dial an extension, call RVCC's main phone number 908-526-1200 followed by the extension of the person you wish to reach.

Library staff names, positions, and extensions
Name Position Extensions
Dempsey, Megan (she/her) Instructional Services Librarian (more about Megan) x.8412
Dolson, Margaret (Peg) Adjunct Librarian x.8350
Egan, Robert Professor Emeritus N/A
Frasco, Jennifer Adjunct Librarian x.8350
Ignacz, Donna Technical Services Assistant x.8559
Noh, Jung-hyun Library Clerk x.8423
Peters, Chad Public Services Coordinator x.8224
Renales, AR (they/them) Adjunct Librarian x.8350
Schaub, Dennis Library Director x.8303
Smith, Rashond Adjunct Librarian x.8350
Tenzer, Kathy (she/her) Library Technical Services Specialist x.8368
Valenti, Alyssa (she/her) Electronic Resources & Web Services Librarian (more about Alyssa) x.8351
Varin, Janelle (she/her) Systems & Technical Services Librarian (more about Janelle) x.8329
Vitale, Philip Library Clerk x.8423

If you don't know who to contact, please submit your question and someone will get back to you soon.

Library Director

Schaub, Dennis

Library Director


Select a name to send email. Email addresses are 
To dial an extension, call RVCC's main phone number 908-526-1200 followed by the extension of the person you wish to reach.

Full-time Librarians

Name Title Extension Liaison Departments

Dempsey, Megan 


Instructional Services Librarian


More about Megan



Business & Public Service

Science & Engineering

Honors College

Valenti, Alyssa


Electronic Resources & Web Services Librarian
More about Alyssa

Arts & Design

Health Science Education

Mathematics & Computer Science

Varin, Janelle


Systems & Technical Services Librarian
More about Janelle

Communication & Languages

Humanities, Social Science, Social Work, & Education

Adjunct Librarians

Name Email On-campus days 
Dolson, Margaret (Peg) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday evenings
Frasco, Jennifer Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday mornings
Renales, AR (they/them) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday daytime
Smith, Rashond Thursday evenings & Saturdays

Public Services

Name Title Extension Services
Peters, Chad Public Services Coordinator x.8224


Interlibrary Loan


Noh, Jung-hyun Library Clerk x.8423 Circulation, weekday afternoons
Vitale, Philip Library Clerk x.8423 Circulation, evenings & Saturdays

Technical Services

Name Title Extension
Ignacz, Donna Technical Services Assistant x.8559
Tenzer, Kathy Library Technical Services Specialist x.8368