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Visual Concepts for Interiors - INTR112 - Smith

Finding sources to meet your needs

The type of content you need is probably different from the sources you are required to use for a research paper, since your end result is going to be a completely different format. In this case, the internet might be a fine place to find reliable information! Internet sources can be especially useful in informing you about your topic when you don't know a lot about it yet.

  • You are looking for factual information, not controversial news topics, so the likelihood of finding false content about pavilions is low.
  • Information on the internet might not be evaluated, but as you continue to research, you will be able to confirm validity.
  • Websites might not be updated regularly. This won't be an issue for older structures, but they might miss newer constructions.
  • You do not have to wade through tons of irrelevant/unknown results - Professor Smith has already found reliable web pages, and there are more websites linked below!

Internet Resources