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Your assignment:

For Trends in Nursing, you will complete a literature review of a minimum of 5 scholarly nursing articles related to your assigned topic.

There are 2 options:

  • An issue facing the nursing profession OR
  • A NJ community health concern which includes volunteer time with an approved community partner.

This guide will assist you in identifying and locating scholarly research for your literature review. Requirements for articles:

  • You must use at least 5 scholarly, peer-reviewed articles
  • Published in the last 5 years
  • Articles must be from the United States

The literature review will inform the research behind the Trends in Nursing Capstone project. Writing the essay is outside of the scope of this course guide, but please see the APA details and feel free to reach out and make an appointment with me to talk through your work!

Finding Scholarly Articles

Search strategies:

  • Limit by date! Only search for content published within the past 5 years.
  • Think of your keywords. Your topic may be known by several names (hypertension, high blood pressure, etc.)
  • Use quotes. This tells the database to search a term as a phrase. "health acquired infections" "electronic medical records" "United States"
  • Use the truncator or asterisk * This simple command tells the database to give you anything that has the prefix you type followed by anything else. For example: 

nurs* = nurse, nurses, nursing

child* = child, children, childhood

adolesc* = adolescent, adolescents, adolescence

Search Examples-

safety AND "infection control" AND nurs* AND "united states"

teamwork AND medication administration AND nurses AND ("new jersey" OR NJ)

"patient centered care" AND nurs* AND "hand hygiene"


Databases where you can find scholarly nursing and allied health literature: