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Paul Robeson Institute for Ethics, Leadership and Social Justice

About the Paul Robeson Institute at RVCC

The Paul Robeson Institute for Ethics, Leadership, and Social Justice was founded in 1999 to preserve Paul Robeson’s legacy in the area where he came of age as an artist, athlete, orator, and scholar. The Institute envisions a global community of diverse cultures that embodies, through attitudes and behaviors, Paul Robeson’s ideals, beliefs, values, and vision for a world of justice and peace.

The Paul Robeson Resource Room, located on the first floor of the Evelyn S. Field Library, is an information center for Robeson’s national and worldwide activities. Established in 2003, the Resource Room serves as a repository for educational materials, historical records, and memorabilia of Robeson’s Somerville years and the worldwide accomplishments of people of African-American descent. The Resource Room provides students and members of the community a quiet place to research and study. Programs that support Paul Robeson's legacy of social justice, peace, and diversity are also held in the Resource Room.