Immigration officers, ICE officials, may enter public spaces on campus, requiring no warrant or prior approval. ICE agents may only enter private spaces, such as classrooms, labs, and offices, on campus if they have judicial warrant signed by a judge.
Assess the situation.
If you observe an immigration officer on campus, contact the Office of the President and then Campus Safety.
If the immigration officer requests access or information, immediately refer the ICE official and their related request for access or information to the Office of the President. In partnership with legal counsel, the Office of the President will assess the documentation and determine next appropriate steps.
Stay calm. Do not interfere with, run from, lie to, or otherwise engage with law enforcement officers who are in the process of conducting official operations.
Campus Safety
From on campus, extension 8800
Ground floor level of Somerset Hall, room S-010
Red phones are located within campus building hallways, which dial directly to the Campus Safety Office
For additional information, please see the documents linked below.