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Canvas and Library Integration

Information about how to easily include library resources in your Canvas course shell.

Include a Librarian

You don't have to do all the work yourself. A Librarian can add/create content right within your Canvas course using the "Librarian" role. This role gives a librarian access to edit modules and participate in discussion Forums, without providing the full access of an Instructor role.  

Embedded librarians can:

  • Create original content tailored to your course objectives
  • Incorporate appropriate library resources  to foster information literacy skills
  • Create and moderate discussion forums to provide individual feedback to students working on assignments
  • Reinforce the skills you want your students to learn
  • Collaborate with you to provide the best possible learning experience for your students

Follow these steps to invite your liaison librarian into the Canvas course, or email your liaison librarian.

Invite a Librarian to join your Canvas course

  1. In your Canvas course, select People from the menu

 Image of the menu from the Canvas course with People highlighted in yellow.

  1. Click the add People button  Image of the green button with the plus sign and the word 'people'  Used to add people to instruct in the course.
  2. Enter the email address of the Librarian you want to invite. If (i.e. does not work, try (i.e. or From the options under Role, select Librarian

Image of the drop down box that appears with the roles available.  Shows Teacher, Co-instructor and Librarian.

  1. Click Next and complete the invitation process by clicking Add Users on the next pop-up. The Librarian will receive an email invitation to join the class. 

Add users